Measuring Individual Poverty: Correlates and Variation Over Time

Image for Measuring Individual Poverty: Correlates and Variation Over Time
  • Melbourne Institute Virtual Colloquium

Professor A. Abigail Payne

Dr Maxim Ananyev

Entrenched and persistent poverty is ever more important given 2020 events in Australia.  We study the variations in poverty status at a household level using longitudinal Australian Census data from 2006 to 2016.  In this upcoming Breaking Down Barriers report (in partnership with the Paul Ramsay Foundation) we explore movements into and out of poverty and the degree to which we observe persistence in poverty across a range of socio-demographic characteristics.   The report also examines the factors that change over time (ageing, gaining or losing employment, educational attainment, and family dynamics) that may affect poverty. Finally, we examine the correlation between community poverty rates and individual poverty.  This report extends our previous work on the subject of poverty in Australia that focused on the experience of communities.

This regularly held colloquium will showcase our projects and researchers. This is a forum that encourages discussion on how research insights should inform policy and practice. More information on the series is available here.