Melbourne Institute Director's Conference

DC Education
Directors Conference

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Jess Delon

The importance of investing in education and development: What improves student outcomes?

A strong Victorian economy depends on the development of its children and students to ensure they have the best opportunities possible— regardless of socio-economic status—that lead to outcomes needed to deliver a strong, innovative, and industrious workforce.

There are many drivers of student success to think about: What are the best practices for our schools and teachers, and how do we measure the effectiveness of those practices?

How do we best capture the value-add of teachers and schooling policies? Student development, however, is more than just a function of schooling practices and teachers. Parents and family circumstances can influence students’ outcomes, as can their peers and participation in extracurricular activities (sport, drama etc.)

These are just a few of the many factors outside of the classroom environment that can affect student performance and post-schooling decisions.

This conference will concentrate on issues linked to the delivery of quality education—both within and outside the classroom—that can influence the middle and later years of schooling.

It will explore how practice, policy and opportunity affect the transitions students make into, and out of, secondary schooling, what is working in Victoria and how investment in our schools and teachers can contribute to a strong workforce well into the future.


12:00-12:30 PM — Registration

12:30-1:30 PM — Presentations

Welcome by Professor A. Abigail Payne, Melbourne Institute Director and Ron­ald Henderson Professor and Mr. Marcus Walsh, Chief Economist, Economic Policy and State Productivity, Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Introduction by Mr. Simon Kent, Public Policy Fellow, Strategy and Culture, The University of Melbourne.

Presentation by Ms. Katy Haire, Deputy Secretary, School Education and Program Support Group, Department of Education and Training Victoria.

Presentation by Professor Eric Hanushek, Hoover Institution: Stanford University.

Presentation by Professor Marco Castillo, Melbourne Institute: Applied Economics and Social Research, The University of Melbourne.

1:30-2:30 PM — Panel and Audience Discussion

Moderated by Mr. Simon Kent, the speakers will be joined by Ms. Anne Hampshire, Head of Research and Advocacy at The Smith Family, Mr. Bruce Armstrong, Educational Consultant and Special Advisor Teaching and Learning for the Department of Education and Training, and Mr. Matthew Debble, Director of Evidence for Learning.

2:30-3:00 PM — Conference close with afternoon tea