Australian Economic Review
The Australian Economic Review is a peer-reviewed, applied economics journal that publishes high quality articles applying economic analysis to a wide range of macro and microeconomic topics relevant to issues in economics and social policy.
Published quarterly, The Australian Economic Review has a strong policy focus and presents research and analysis of topics in areas such as health and industrial economics, innovation and tax policy, and labour dynamics.
The Australian Economic Review primarily covers issues relating to the Australian economy, but also considers topics of international interest. It is of particular value to academics, policymakers and university students interested in Australian economic analysis.
Regular sections include:
- Contributed Articles, which presents refereed articles on economic and social policy matters
- Policy Forum, which explores major issues in economic policy
- Data Articles, which outlines the main features of databases available to researchers, and
- Perspectives, which contains articles written specifically for university students.
Publication details
The Australian Economic Review is included in the Social Sciences Citation Index.
Quarterly – March, June, September and December.
1467-8462 (Online)